

The GdR TeQ warmly thanks all its sponsors for making its colloquium possible. 


Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is an interdisciplinary public research organisation under the administrative supervision of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation (MESRI). The CNRS chooses to pursue research excellence that explores natural and social phenomena in greater depth, in an effort to push back the frontiers of knowledge.

The research network "Quantum Technologies" (GdR TeQ) is linked to and supported by the CNRS Institute of Physics (INP). INP's research thematics relate to the fundamental laws of physics, understanding radiation, matter, and their interactions. Those studies come with two main motivations : understanding the world, and answering current societal challenges.

The GdR TeQ also benefits from secondary support from the CNRS Institute of Engineering and System Sciences (INSIS). 





Université de Montpellier (UM)

The University of Montpellier currently welcomes more than 51,000 students in its 17 faculties, schools and institutes. Located throughout the city of Montpellier and in the main cities of the eastern part of the Occitanie region, they cover the main fields of study: law, economics, management, political and social sciences, science, technology and health, thus enabling students to move towards professional careers and/or the world of research.

The University of Montpellier has 74 research facilities and 15 technology platforms spread over 5 research clusters: 1) agriculture, environment, biodiversity, 2) biology-health, 3) chemistry, 4) mathematics, computer science, physics and systems, 5) social sciences. 






Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C) 

The Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C) is a joint Research Unit (UMR 5221) between CNRS and University of Montpellier. The L2C covers a wide range of fields, from the most mathematical theoretical Physics to Chemical Physics and Biophysics, with a solid background of theoretical and experimental research devoted to Condensed Matter and Nanosciences. The investigations performed at the L2C are often at the interface with Chemistry, Life Sciences and Electronics. The L2C possesses an ensemble of high-level experimental techniques, in particular, a unique set of optical spectroscopy facilities. Mainly concerned with Basic Physics, the L2C is nevertheless at the center of numerous collaborations with industrial partners, and of applied research leading to the filing of several patents and to the creation of start-ups.  






Welinq is a spin-off company from Sorbonne Université working on the interconnection of Quantum Processors. We develop full-stack quantum links relying on a high-performance quantum memory to share entanglement between remote quantum nodes. Our work paves the way to distributed quantum computing and long-distance links of the Quantum Internet.




THORLABS est leader dans la fabrication et la distribution de composants pour l’industrie et la recherche dans les domaines de l’optique et de la photonique. Nous proposons une large gamme de composants (+ de 20000 références) que nous concevons, fabriquons et distribuons.
Notre présence est mondiale, avec des bureaux commerciaux, des usines de fabrication et des plateforme logistiques aux USA, Canada, Brésil, Japon, Chine, Allemagne, Royaume-Uni, Suède et en France.






Quandela is a french start up that provides photonic quantum computers that are modular, scalable, energy-efficient and accessible both on the cloud and on premise. Our team specialises in the development of both software and hardware solutions for a variety of quantum applications. We offer a wide range of services, from developing the most efficient and brightest single photons sources, to creating algorithms for quantum computers and providing cloud quantum computing solutions.






PASQAL is a spin-off from the Institut d'Optique at Palaiseau. The company now employs over 200 people, including a strong team of experts in atomic and optical physics, trained at leading quantum research institutes. PASQAL is developing large-scale quantum processing units (QPUs) based on neutral atoms, the most promising approach to building commercial-grade quantum computers

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